Rebar 12 - prices updated 28.11.2018 to 8:59
Rebar 12 is available in our various branches, you can choose the branch you need, the type and size of products and order online:
Presents the actual prices for metal. Rebar 12 is available in our various branches, you can choose the branch you need, the type and size of products and order online. Attention Prices are subject to prepayment! There is a surcharge for a batch of less than 1 ton, more details from the manager.
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Price от 5 - 15 tons |
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Rebar 12 - техническая информация: |
Rebar 12
The name «Rebar 12» means Rebar with a circular cross section, periodic corrugation or not having corrugation, and having a diameter of 12 mm.
Corrugated Rebar 12mm - hot-rolled Rebar, i.e., produced by hot rolling.
The 12 mm corrugated rebar is mainly manufactured according to the following standards:
- according to the СТО АСЧМ 7-93 and GOST R 52544 2006 — steel grade А500С
- according to GOST 5781-82 - steel grade a3 (A400): steel grades 25Г2С, 35ГС
- in accordance with GOST 10884-94 - At800 Rebar
Corrugated rebar diameter 12 is used in the construction of buildings and structures, partitions and frames, for reinforcement of concrete at all stages of construction, for screeding, for grounding, strengthening the plaster mix, creating wall blocks, floor slabs, balconies, road construction, etc. From a3 12 Rebar , steel grades 35ГС and 25Г2С are widely used. According to the orientation in reinforced concrete construction, Rebar of 12 mm has following types: transverse (prevents formation of oblique cracks) and longitudinal (perceives tensile stresses). The 35ГС grade is used in critical structures, for fixing concrete screeds and various structures. Rebars of steel grade 25Г2С has plasticity, high strength and anti-corrosion properties. The Rebar 12 according to the СТО АСЧМ 7-93 standard and according to the Rebar 12 GOST R 52544 2006 is used for rebar of reinforced concrete structures.
Differences between 12 Steel Rebar A500S and the Steel Rebar A400
The 35ГС and 25Г2С grades are restrictedly welded, for the 35ГС grade, cross-cutting is prohibited, contact arc and other welding do not give the required ductility, therefore they take a considerable margin on the number of rebar to eliminate the danger of arc tack welding. Requirements for GOST 5781-82 are more stringent than for the СТО АСЧМ 7-93. Rebar ыteel grade A400 (Fig. 1) has two longitudinal continuous protrusions and transverse protrusions uniformly located on the surface at an angle to the axis of the rod and to the fins. Steel rebar A500C having the longitudinal ribs on the rods are not necessary, and the transverse protrusions are crescent-shaped, and the transverse protrusions should not be connected to the longitudinal ones. Due to the fact that the chemical composition of the steel grade A500C contains less dopant materials, the production is simplified, the final product is more cost effective and has the same operational properties. The use of rebar 12 A500C instead of A400 ( rebar a3 with a diameter of 12 mm) provided a reduction in the diameter of the rods, simplification of their joining and the possibility of using electric arc welding, reducing the consumption of rebar by 20-25% without increasing its cost.
Nominal diameter dн = 12 mm; d1 = 13.50 mm; d = 11 mm
The nominal diameter of periodic section rebar 12 mm corresponds to the nominal diameter of equal-sized smooth reinforcement in the cross-sectional area.
Rebar At800 - thermo-mechanically hardened reinforcing steel: smooth and periodic profile (section). Rebar is produced by hot rolling, and then thermo-mechanically strengthened. It is made of low alloyed steels. It is used in the construction of reinforced concrete, for the manufacture of furniture and special equipment.
The smooth rebar a1 is made in accordance with GOST 5781-82 from smooth rod metal rolling of round section by methods of hot rolling and cold rolling (hardening by an extrusion), thermal strengthening. Smooth rebar is used in monolithic works, for reinforcing floors, walls, ceilings, in stressed structures, for grounding, for making woven mesh. Due to the lack of grooves, less interaction and adhesion to concrete.
Rebar length 12
The Rebar diameter 12 mm of steel grade A400 and A500C is manufactured in coils and rods, measured and unmeasured length. Measured length of bars - from 6 to 12m, unmeasured - 6-12m. Corrugated rebar 12 mm is sold mainly with a length of 11.7 m and rebar 12 meter ..
The Rebar 12 mm A1 is made of measured length, measured length, not more than 2 m and unmeasured length.
At800 12mm according to GOST made in rods of measured length from 5, 3 m to 13, 5 m. AO Metallotorg mainly supplies At800 rebar in bars of length: 6.7m; 7.6 m; 10 m and 11.7 m The cross-sectional area of reinforcement is 12mm: 113 mm2.
Rebar weight 12
Knowing the weight of the reinforcement, the customer can calculate the required amount of material and estimate the cost estimates. The weight of reinforcement 12 mm is determined by the tabular data of standards: rebar weight of 1 meter - 0.888kg. Most often, the calculation of the amount of reinforcement is carried out in running meters, so the characteristic is also important: Rebar 12 tons per meter: 1126.13 m. But rebar is released on weights.
We cooperate only with the best manufacturers of rebars, all rolled metal products are certified. Rebar manufacturers 12 mm: Moldavian Metallurgical Plant OAO, Nizhneserginsky Hardware-Metallurgical Plant OAO, West Siberian Metallurgical Plant OAO, Belarusian Metallurgical Plant RUP, OAO Severstal, PJSC ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih, Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Casting Rolling Plant ", OOO" NLMK-Kaluga ", Abinsk Electric Steel Works, Ltd.
Buy Rebar 12 mm
With us you can buy rebar 12 mm from the warehouses of branches, warehouses of the Moscow region or directly from the factory. We provide services for cutting, delivery and assembly of Rebar. Availability, range, weight and price of rebar 12 mm , 1 ton of rebar 12 , how much rebar 12 costs at a particular branch, how much rebar 12 a ton , weight of a meter of rebar 12 al the information you can find on our website. More information on rebar 12 mm price per meter , rebar price 12 per bar, rebar length 12 , rebar 12 a3 weight , specify the weight of the piece and calculate the quantity, draw up an invoice and make a request, clarify payment options and request a certificate for the metal produced - please contact the manager by phone:
(8452) 57-00-18, e-mail: