Foundation footing rebar - prices updated 28.11.2018 to 8:59
Foundation footing rebar is available in our various branches, you can choose the branch you need, the type and size of products and order online:
Presents the actual prices for metal. Foundation footing rebar is available in our various branches, you can choose the branch you need, the type and size of products and order online. Attention Prices are subject to prepayment! There is a surcharge for a batch of less than 1 ton, more details from the manager.
Product Name | Size | Length | Other | Weight 1 PC/kg. |
On stock (ton) |
Price 1 PC |
Price 1 - 5 tons |
Price от 5 - 15 tons |
Price > 15 tons |
Branch | Товаров нет |
Foundation footing rebar - техническая информация: |
Foundation footing rebar
Construction of any country house begins with the foundation. The foundation is an essential element of any building; it is difficult to argue with this argument. It is obvious that a poor-quality foundation, not having sufficient strength, will quickly collapse and lead to damage to the rest of the structure. The foundation is best laid in the spring, in the winter because of sub-zero temperatures, the water in the concrete mix freezes, which is absolutely contraindicated for concrete.
You are thinking about buying a Foundation Footing Rebar? There are several types of foundation: strip foundation, column foundation, slab and pile foundations. For each type you need to choose the steel grade and type of rebar.
Ribbon Foundation. . It is laid in the construction of the house, with heavy concrete and brick walls, or at home, with heavy ceilings. For overlaps between the floors, they mainly use an I-beam or steel channel bar, you can also buy this metal in our company. Metal prices and stock availability can be found in our prices section .
Foundation Footing Rebar for strip foundations. .When building an individual house with a strip foundation, corrugated rebar A3 grade of steel grade A500C or 35ГС with a diameter of 10-12 mm is used, sometimes 14mm rebar is used. (Rebar 12, Rebar 10, Rebar 14) Pillar foundation. For the reinforcement of the posts, the corrugated rebar with a diameter of 10 mm is quite enough. (10 mm steel rebar A500S, 35ГС, etc.) This type of foundation is 1.5–2 times more economical than other foundations, but it can be used in the construction of a house with light walls — wood, frame-shield, and light wood.
Slab foundation
The slab foundation is one of the most reliable foundations. The main advantage of such a foundation is its suitability on lightly and heavily supported silty, clayey soils. Because of this ability to move seasonally with the ground, the slab foundation is called the “floating” foundation. Due to the large supporting surface of the foundation, the pressure on the ground is significantly reduced, sediment and deformation are reduced. With a high groundwater level, only the slab foundation is used. The construction of such foundations requires additional costs for high-quality high-strength concrete and rebar along the entire bearing plane, therefore the slab foundation is also one of the most expensive.
Bored pile foundations are used in the construction of small country houses without a basement and heavy houses made of blocks and bricks. For heavier objects, piles of larger diameter are used, driven to a greater depth. Bored pile foundations are widely used for high building density and loads on adjacent structures. Pile foundation is cheaper than strip and solid foundations.
Learn about the availability and price of Foundation Footing Rebar. You can go to our prices section or call us by phone. You can order a "call back", we will call you back at any time convenient for you. Use the form "make an application for metal" it will take you a minimum of time, you can do it at any time of the day, regardless of the mode of operation of our managers.
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