Rolled wire - prices updated 28.11.2018 to 8:59
Rolled wire is available in our various branches, you can choose the branch you need, the type and size of products and order online:
Presents the actual prices for metal. Rolled wire is available in our various branches, you can choose the branch you need, the type and size of products and order online. Attention Prices are subject to prepayment! There is a surcharge for a batch of less than 1 ton, more details from the manager.
Product Name | Size | Length | Other | Weight 1 PC/kg. |
On stock (ton) |
Price 1 PC |
Price 1 - 5 tons |
Price от 5 - 15 tons |
Price > 15 tons |
Branch | Товаров нет |
Rolled wire - техническая информация: |
Rolled wire
Wire rod type of high-quality metal, hot-rolled wire of circular cross section, usually from 5 to 10 mm.
Wire rod is made according to the following standards:
- ГGOST 30136-95 Wire Rods of carbon steel of ordinary quality
- TU 14-15-212-89 wire Wire for wire pulling
- TU 14-15-213-89 wire Rods for packaging and other purposes
GOST 30136 applies to ordinary quality carbon steel wire rods designed for wire pulling and other purposes. Wire rod is made of carbon steel grades St0, St1, St2, St3 of all degrees of deoxidation according to GOST 380.
Wire rod is subdivided:
1. according to the cooling method::
- VO - air cooled,
- U01 - subjected to single-stage accelerated cooling,
- Y02 - subjected to two-stage accelerated cooling.
2. on the accuracy of rolled products (according to GOST 2590):
- B - high accuracy
- In - usual accuracy
Diameters, limiting octlones in diameter, cross-sectional area and mass of a meter of length must comply with GOST 2590.
Wire rod diameters : 5.0 mm; 5.5 mm; 6.0 mm; 6.3 mm; 6.5 mm; 7.0 mm; 8.0 mm; 9.0 mm. The rod iron is made in bays consisting of a continuous piece, in our warehouses the bays are unwound into rods, usually 6m.
Wire Rod Manufacturers : OAO Nizhneserginsky Hardware Metallurgical Plant, OAO Severstal, OAO West-Siberian Metallurgical Plant, ZAO Berezovsky Electro-Metallurgical Plant.
Buy wire rod
You can buy wire from us rod of all types from the warehouses of branches, 3x warehouses of the Moscow region or directly from the factory. We provide services for cutting, delivery and assembly of wire . Availability, range and cost you can see on the site. For more information on the price per meter, make a calculation of the quantity, draw up an invoice and make a request, clarify payment options and request a certificate for the received metal - please contact the manager by contacting him by phone:
(8452) 57-00-18, e-mail: