Seamless steel pipe - prices updated 28.11.2018 to 8:59
Seamless steel pipe is available in our various branches, you can choose the branch you need, the type and size of products and order online:
Presents the actual prices for metal. Seamless steel pipe is available in our various branches, you can choose the branch you need, the type and size of products and order online. Attention Prices are subject to prepayment! There is a surcharge for a batch of less than 1 ton, more details from the manager.
Product Name | Size | Length | Other | Weight 1 PC/kg. |
On stock (ton) |
Price 1 PC |
Price 1 - 5 tons |
Price от 5 - 15 tons |
Price > 15 tons |
Branch | Товаров нет |
Seamless steel pipe - техническая информация: |
Seamless steel pipe GOST 8732-78, GOST 8734-75
Seamless steel pipe GOST 8732-78, GOST 8734-75 - pipe made from steel billet without longitudinal and transverse joints. Seamless pipes are used in pipelines and boiler plants, machines and aggregates; in shipbuilding, in the automotive and aircraft industries. When it is impossible to use welded pipes, use seamless, because the latter are distinguished by high strength, quality and durability, wear resistance and are able to work under operational conditions. Increased strength is important when water with high pressure and temperature flows through the pipeline. Also, seamless pipes have an increased anti-corrosion property - a special coating that protects against aggressive effects.
There are 4 ways to make seamless pipes: rolling, drawing, forging and pressing. Seamless pipes according to the manufacturing method and production temperatures are:
hot-deformed (rolled in a hot state) , heat-deformed (the steel is heated to a temperature not exceeding the recrystallization temperature) and cold-deformed (rolled without pre-heating);
пwall thickness: thick-walled and thin-walled.
Steel seamless hot-rolled pipes GOST 8732-78
seamless steel pipes of general purpose, manufactured in outer diameter, wall thickness and length.
Production of seamless hot -rolled steel pipes is carried out by the method of hot rolling, after which the pipes are subjected to additional cold rolling. These pipes have increased strength and heat resistance, and therefore this type of pipe is used when installing a pipeline with water, gas, steam or oil products. And also they are widely used in aircraft and mechanical engineering, in the construction of boiler houses. The mass of 1m of pipes is calculated by the formula:
M = 0.02466 x S (DN-S), where
DN - outer diameter, mm; S - wall thickness, mm
Range of seamless hot-rolled steel pipes
The outer diameter of these pipes is from 25 to 700 mm inclusive. Wall thickness ranges from 2.5 mm to 75 mm
Steel seamless hot-rolled are of different thickness and diameter. Depending on the ratio of these values, the pipes are distinguished: especially thin-walled, thin-walled, thick-walled, especially thick-walled.
Along the length of the pipe seamless hot-deformed are made:
unmeasured length (4-12,5m)
measured length - within unmeasured
of multiple measured length - within unmeasured length with an allowance for each cut of 5 mm
approximate length - within unmeasured length
Seamless hot- rolled pipes are represented by steel: steel 10, st 20, st35, st 45, st40H, st09G2C, 30HGSA.
The curvature of any part of the pipe for 1m length should not exceed:
- 1.5 mm - for pipes with wall thickness up to 20mm- 2.0 mm - for pipes with wall thickness above 20-30mm
- 4.0 mm - for pipes with a wall thickness of more than 30mm.
Buy a seamless pipe
You can purchase a seamless pipe from all manufacturers from warehouses of branches, warehouses of the Moscow region or directly from the factory. We provide services for cutting, delivery and configuration of the pipe. You can look at availability, range and price of seamless pipe on our website. You should also bear in mind that the price of the metal depends on the required quantity. For more information on the price of 1 meter or a piece, specify the weight of the seamless pipe and calculate the quantity , draw up an invoice and make a request , clarify payment options and request a certificate on a seamless pipe - it is possible at the manager, having contacted him onо
(8452) 57-00-18, e-mail:
Seamless cold-deformed steel pipes GOST 8734-75 - seamless steel pipes with a diameter of 5 to 250 mm , obtained by the method of cold rolling. Seamless cold-deformed pipes are used for pipelines, boiler equipment, machine parts, structures and other products in shipbuilding and mechanical engineering, where accuracy and quality of material is important.
The most popular pipes with the diameter of the outer wall from 8 to 450 mm, wall thickness can reach 20mm. Depending on the thickness of the outer diameter (Dn) to the wall thickness (s), the pipes are made:
especially thin-walled with D l / s over 40 and pipes with a diameter of 20 mm or less with a wall of 0.5 mm or less,
thin-walled with Dн / s from 12.5 to 40 and pipes with a diameter of 20 mm or less with a wall of 1.5 mm,
thick-walled with D / s from 6 to 12.5,
especially thick-walled with D / s less than 6.
The length of cold-deformed seamless pipes is from 1.5 m to 11.5 m depending on the diameter and wall thickness. The range of steel grades for the manufacture of these pipes is extensive: Steel 10, seamless steel pipes 20 , 35, 45, 10Г2, 15Х, 20Х, 40Х, 30ХГСА, 15ХМ in accordance with GOST 1050, GOST 19281-89, GOST 4543-71.
In each batch of pipes of measured length not more than 5% of unmeasured pipes and shorter than 2.5m are allowed.
Dimensions, main diameters and thickness of seamless cold-deformed pipe according to GOST 8734-75, weight of 1 m pipe, number of meters per tonne can be viewed GOST 8734 -75.