Electrowelded steel - prices updated 28.11.2018 to 8:59
Electrowelded steel is available in our various branches, you can choose the branch you need, the type and size of products and order online:
Presents the actual prices for metal. Electrowelded steel is available in our various branches, you can choose the branch you need, the type and size of products and order online. Attention Prices are subject to prepayment! There is a surcharge for a batch of less than 1 ton, more details from the manager.
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Electrowelded steel - техническая информация: |
Electrowelded steel pipe GOST 10704-91, GOST 10705-80, GOST 10706-76, GOST 8696-74
Pipe made from strip or sheet metal by molding on a rolling mill and subsequent electric welding. Electrically welded pipe can be:longitudinal GOST 10704-91, GOST 10705-80, GOST 10706-76 - when welding along the longitudinal axis, a straight seam is obtained; spiral GOST 8696-74 - is obtained with the help of seams, made in a spiral. The basis for the production The electric-welded pipe is carbon steel and low alloy steel. The chemical composition of steel for production is regulated by GOST 1050 and GOST 380. For the manufacture of electric welded pipes used steel grades: St1, St2, St3, St 4, 10, 20, 35, 45, 08, etc.Range of steel round electric welded pipes ::
1) round tube ( thick-walled and thin-walled ),),
2) an oval tube, ,
3) square and rectangular electric-welded pipe ( profile electric-welded pipe ).
Low-pressure pipelines and gas pipelines, oil pipelines are made from steel electric-welded pipes , and they are also used for the construction of water supply and heat networks, and the manufacture of various hardware.
Manufacturers of electric pipes : ZAO UHK “Royal Pipe Plant”, OAO “Taganrog Metallurgical Plant”, OAO “Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant”, OAO “Severstal”, OAO “Seversky Pipe Plant”, OOO “Izhorskaya Trubnaya Company”, OOO “DIA Production Company", OOO "Togliatti Profile and Pipe Plant", OOO "TC" Ryazan Tube Plant ".
Steel round electric welded longitudinal pipes GOST 10704-91
Pipes are made with a diameter of 12 mm. - 108 mm. with a wall thickness of 0.9 mm. - 5 mm. depending on the diameter. Available in two types: in the processed and not processed look.
Electric-welded pipes are used for the manufacture of consumer goods of general use: for the manufacture of furniture, equipment for the forest industry, in the automotive industry, for the manufacture of fences, trainers, laying of pipelines, etc.
Electrically welded longitudinal steel pipes are manufactured in various lengths:
1) unmeasured length:
with a diameter up to 30 mm. - not less than 2 m.
- with a diameter of 30-70 mm. - not less than 3 m.
- with a diameter of 70-152 mm. - not less than 4 m.
- with a diameter of more than 152 mm. - not less than 5 m.
2) measured length:
- with a diameter up to 70 mm. - from 5 to 9 m.
- with a diameter of 70 to 219 mm. - 6-9 m.
- with a diameter greater than 219 to 426 mm. - 10-12 m.
Pipes with a diameter of more than 426 mm. make only unmeasured length. As agreed by the manufacturer with the consumer, pipes with a diameter of from 70 to 219 mm. allowed to produce from 6 to 12m.
3) multiple length:
- not less than 250 mm. and does not exceed the lower limit established for measuring pipes, depending on the diameter.
Pipes of measured and multiple lengths are made of two steel grades of accuracy in length: steel grade 1 - with trimming of the ends and removal of the burrs, Grade 2 - without mashing and deburring.
For the manufacture of these pipes used steel grade: 08 (08kp and 08ps), 10 (10ps and 10kp), 15 (15kp and 15ps), 20 (20kp and 20ps), St1ps (kp, cn), St2ps (kp, sp), St3ps (kp, sp)
Buy electric pipe
With us you can buy electric-welded pipes of all types produced from the warehouses of branches, 3x warehouses of the Moscow region or directly from the factory. We provide services for cutting, delivery and configuration of the pipe. You can look at availability on the website for the availability, range and price of the electric-welded pipe . You should also bear in mind that the price of the metal depends on the required quantity. More detailed information on the price for 1 meter or for the piece, specify the weight of the electric-welded pipe and calculate the quantity , draw up an invoice and make a request , clarify payment options and request a certificate on the electrically - welded pipe - you can at the manager, contacting him on
(8452) 57-00-18, e-mail: korneev@metallotorg.ru
Pipes steel electrowelded straight-line GOST 10705-8
According to GOST 10705-80, steel longitudinal electric-welded pipes, with a diameter of 10 to 530 mm, are used for pipelines and structures for various purposes, except for pipes that are used for the manufacture of heat-electric heaters.
According to quality indicators, the pipes are made of the following groups:
- А - with the rationing of mechanical properties of calm, semi-calm and boiling steel grades St1, St2, St3, St4 according to GOST 380
- B - with standardization of the chemical composition of calm, semi-calm and boiling steel of the ст1, ст2,ст3,ст4 grades according to GOST 380 and GOST 14637, of calm, semi-calm and boiling steel of 08, 10, 15, 20 grades of GOST 1050, of the steel of the grade 08ю according to GOST 9045, from low-alloyed steel of 22gu brand
- В - with standardization of mechanical properties and chemical composition of calm, semi-calm and boiling steel of grades ст1, ст2, ст3, ст4 according to GOST 380, from calm, semi-calm and boiling steel grades 08, 10, 15 and 20 according to GOST 1050, of grade steel 08yu according to GOST 9045, from low-alloyed steel grade 22гю
- Д - with standardization of test hydraulic pressure.
Pipes are manufactured by heat-treated (throughout the pipe volume or welded joint), hot-tempered and without heat treatment.
Pipes steel electrowelded straight-line GOST 10706-76
Steel electric welded longitudinal pipes of general purpose with a diameter of 426mm to 1620mm are made according to GOST 10706-76 from steel grades St2, St3 of all degrees of deoxidation, from low-alloy steel, the carbon equivalent of which does not exceed 0.48%.
This standard establishes more stringent requirements for the impact strength of the base metal, the number of transverse joints, reinforcement of the internal weld, and the chamfer at the end of the pipe.